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Creative Block: how to work better throughout the day

Updated: Feb 1, 2020

One of the common issues I face today is a block. I have heard a lot of creative souls use this term quite commonly-writes block, designer block, artistic block. what you all do when you face this issue. We, designers, face this issue quite a lot. We lose the vision of an inspirational world. We would have plenty to do and we would simply not be interested, or drawn a simple line or began to write and crushed a number of papers into the bin, or simply just stuck where we started from. it's quite common to very creative souls out there.

Here are a couple of things I tend to do to release this creative block.

1. Ask

Going through the problem, again and again, would only leave us entangled in our problems. Asking around or holding a discussion would be more helpful. Try and talk about your work to another designer to get you moving from where you find your self lost.

2.Mind map

Another way to solve this issue would be mind mapping. start by writing down the core problem and list down the words weather it is relevant or not. once your done jotting them down start elaborating on them, and then you would see there are areas that you can proceed further.

3. Sketching

Sometimes sketching out our problemos simply help. Going old school is the best place to begin working out our problems. Take a paper and start sketching out your random thoughts. penning down generally helps.

4. Take a Break

Take a break, play a game or distract your self from the problem for some time. that generally gives us time or space to see another perspective on our problems. taking a walk or talking to someone are all ways to get rid of that mental block

5.Inspiration and going through archives

Finding inspiration generally is another way to get rid of the block, or going through the Archie of your work also helps sort out issues with the block.

6. Organizing the workspace

Since I have an OCD issue, generally this gives me a boost when I clear up or organize my workspace. it's a way to clearing up your headspace to see something you might have missed out on. it's a great way, to begin with, work also.

these are the few steps I personally follow. hope this helps all of you too.

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